The Phantom is very popular in India and there have been several publishers over the years that have printed comics both in English or in one of many languages that are spoken there. This section deals with the English-language Indian comics. For Indian comics in any of the various regional languages, please check out our Foreign Language Publishers section.
Diamond Comics
Diamond Comics are India’s largest publisher of comics. They published 101 Phantom digest-size comics between 1990 and 2000. They were mainly Falk/Barry stories and many of them were reprinted on several occasions, sometimes with a slight change to the cover. They were 68-140 pages and in colour up until the last few issues, when they became black and white. They also published some smaller ‘mini-comics, approximately 4″ x 6″, which had one short story only. These were giveaways, attached to a product that was being promoted in some way. We have one English language version here and 2 others in the Foreign Language Publishers section. All of the Diamond comic covers were drawn by local artists
Egmont Imagination India
Egmont India published Phantom comics between 2000 and 2004. They were reprints of 30 different Scandinavian stories, which were themselves reprints of Lee Falk/Sy Barry stories. The company was eventually bought out by Eurokids.
Euro Books/Eurokids International
Euro Books and Eurokids began publishing the Phantom in 2007. All of their comic series reprint the same 24 Falk/Barry Scandinavian stories in colour.