Dynamite Entertainment have published 4 Phantom-related series, so far: ‘The Last Phantom’, ‘Kings Watch’, ‘Legenderry’ and ‘King: the Phantom’.
The Last Phantom
12-issue series with 2 story arcs, plus an annual and two tpb’s that collect the entire run.
Kings Watch
5-issue series, featuring a modern-day take on the Defenders of the Earth – the Phantom, Mandrake and Flash Gordon…with Lothar in tow.
A 7-issue series, featuring a number of independently-owned characters, interacting with each other in an alternate, ‘steampunk’ reality. Characters include: Red Sonja; the Green Hornet and Kato; Vampirella; Flash Gordon; the Six Million Dollar Man; Capt Victory; Zorro and, of course, the Phantom. Please note: the Phantom only appears in issue #4 and briefly in issue #7. A trade paperback, collecting the entire series, is also available.
A 4-issue series that continues on from the end of the ‘Kings Watch’ series. 5 of King Features Syndicate’s most popular characters – the Phantom (natch), Mandrake, Flash Gordon, Prince Valiant and Jungle Jim, are tasked with cleaning up the mess, after Ming’s invasion of Earth. Each of the characters get their own 4-issue mini-series, after which, a proposed major crossover title will finish the story, sometime down the track.